
Susie Tomenchok

Susie Tomenchok is a certified executive and Gallup certified CliftonStrengths coach. She combines these credentials with her 20+ years as a corporate executive to help women hone their strengths so they leverage their superpowers to level up professionally. 

But she didn't start there! Once upon a time, in a land surrounded by beautiful mountains, desert, and outdoor amazingness, Susie was born into a family of five children.

She learned the hard way in a big-ole-family like that— negotiation was the name of the game. From the scoring the last piece of dessert — to claiming dibs on the front seat in the car, each day Susie learned to how to leverage the situation to get what she wanted, without seeming like a bratty or demanding child.

Susie brought these same negation skills to her career and now she's on a mission to help you do the same.

You are different and original. Own it.